Friday, April 22, 2011


                                                    Van Cliburn

                                             Rhilda Bee,  Van's Mom

                                                   La Grenouille

                                                       Arlene Dahl

                                          The Russian Tea Room

                              Palm Court -- The Plaza Hotel, New York

I was at work one day early in the morning and the phone rang, my secretary buzzed me and said Van Cliburn was on the phone.  He said he got in  to New York the day before and was at his apartment at the Buckingham  Hotel and wondered what I was doing and could I come into the city to spend the day with him. He said call my wife, at that time I was married, and see if she could come as well. I did and she did not want to go. I called him back and said I could be at his apartment in an hour and a half.  That would be perfect he said I have about 3 hours of practice to do today and I should be just about finished. I got to the Buckingham Hotel  on W 57th St. and took the elevator to his apartment; passed by his mom's apartment,  knocked and said hi. She greeted me with a hug  and said she was happy I could get into the city to spend the day with Van. She walked with me to his apartment and I could hear the music of Rachmaninoff echoing in the halls. We walked in and he was so engrossed in his music he did hear us come in, so Rhilda Bee and I sat on the sofa and chatted with Van 10 feet away playing his concert grand. A couple of minutes into our conversation the music stopped and Van came over and hugged us both and joined the conversation. Rhilda Bee left after about 15 minutes leaving Van and me to chat for another half hour before he said he had about 30 more minutes left of his practicing. As I sat listening, my eyes wondered around the room which was filled with mementos of his career: a miniature Egyptian obelisk under glass, this was an original Egyptian treasure given to him after a concert by the President of Egypt.  On the end table was a gift from Queen Elizabeth and on the piano his award from the Russian Tchaikovsky Piano Competition.
He stopped playing about 15 minutes later and asked me if I was hungry, I told him yes and he said go see what is in the kitchen that we might be able to fix for lunch.  I looked in the kitchen and it was like Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. Just a couple of things dying in the frig and literally one can of Campbells Tomato Soup in the cabinet.   When I told him he said , well hell this is a special occasion we will go out for lunch.  After he finished we went out to a beautiful Spring day in NYC, warm and sunny.
In the hour and a half I was in his apartment the temperature had warmed up and as I remember it was in the high 70's, a perfect day for walking in the City.  Where would we eat was the question of the hour.  It was pushing 11:30 to 12 and I had breakfast at 7:15. Van said where do you want to eat, I know he said lets to La Grenouille it is my favorite French restaurant in NYC , I know you'll love it.  It was a 5 block walk to the 52nd St landmark.  Along the way we looked in antique shop windows, Van was an avid antique silver collector. He always said it would be  there for his retirement.  It was my first time at La Grenouille, simple on the outside but beautiful on the inside.  Beautiful white linens, fine china, flatware,  crystal and flowers, fresh flowers everywhere. All colors, all varieties on every table. The back of the banquettes looked almost like a flower mart.  The menu was incredible, all French cuisine. It is known today as the last great French Restaurant in NYC.  The appetizer was French Pea Soup and the main course Dover Sole, Escalloped potage and fresh green beans.  Dessert, one of the best pieces of Chocolate cake I have had.  I went and looked at the menu  today and the same choices are on the menu; today and that would cost $81.00 . As we were eating, at a four top, I noticed a beautiful woman with red hair sitting at a table in back of Van.   She kept looking over at me and smiling.  She looked very familiar but could not put a name with the face.  After a few minutes she motioned to me not to let Van know she was coming to the table.  She walked up to Van and put her hands over his eyes and kissed him.   He turned around, got up and gave this beautiful woman  a hug and kiss.  I stood up as she sat down and Van introduced me as his good friend from NJ.  OMG ! Arlene Dahl the famous film beauty.  She had her lunch brought to our table and we all chatted about theater and opera.
45 minutes later we were out on the sidewalks again. Van had said he wanted to stop at a couple antique shops to look at some sliver. He found a couple of pieces  he liked and told the owner  to please hold them that he would be back in a couple of days to get them.  We walked a couple of blocks to another shop and looked at more beautiful antique pieces.  I had to go to the men's room, when I got back he handed me a bag with two wrapped packages in it and said here this is for you.  One was a Tiffany Sterling ashtray for my desk at work and the other a 1700's English Sterling Silver baby cup lined in gold for my 10 month old son, Erik.  It was now approaching 4 and time according to Van to stop at the Russian Tea Room on 57th St. for Royal High Tea. Royal High Tea at the Russian Tea Room is a once in a lifetime experience for someone like me.  Today,  $85.00 for lox, caviar, scones ,sturgeon, tea and champagne. It was amazing sitting in that world famous restaurant looking around at the other patrons, knowing that they were the rich and famous, movers and shakers of NY and of the world, and here I was a 30 year old bank manager from NJ.   After Tea, we went back to The Buckingham to freshen up for dinner.
We walked over to Park Ave. and went in and out of the stores and Van said. I know, the night I met you at the Opera we all went to dinner at the Plaza, let's go there only this time we'll eat at the Palm Court. We ended up at the Plaza about 7pm .We were escorted to the Palm Court by the General Manager of The Plaza. After champagne, we both had Shrimp Cocktail and Prime Rib.  Van was still hungry, he had a ravenous appetite, he called the waiter over and said we will each have another serving of Prime Rib.  When he went to pay for dinner, he realized that he forgot to put his wallet in his pants when he changed clothes for dinner.  Just like you and I could do, he called the Maitre 'd over and explained the problem, a couple of minutes later the Maitre 'd reappeared with $300. cash. We strolled back to the Buckingham where we talked for a short time. I thanked him for the wonderful day and the beautiful gifts. That is what friends are for he said, I am happy you had a good time. He called a limo to take me to the Port  of Authority Terminal  where I took the bus back home to New Jersey.  What an incredible 15 hours.  Another day I will never forget!

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